Saturday, September 10, 2011

Wines #3 and #4

It was only  matter of time before we had a failure.  Here I was thinking France was the land of amazing cheap wines and there was no such thing as a bad one.  I stand corrected.  I purchased a bottle of 2010 Bellecourt Lagraviere. This is a red wine from Bordeaux and was a whopping €3.99.  I have to say aroma was "Stinky Poo Poo".  That is a legitimate Oenophile term (I think?)  To be more specific, it smelled like dirt and mushrooms (earthy?)  I braved the nose and tasted.  Not a fan.  Tasted like dirt and mushrooms (or Stinky Poo Poo).

Dismayed by my failure and lack of a beverage for the evening, I hastened to my local DIA and brought back a couple of bottles of Rose.  Having had a particularly lovely day in Paris and sipping Rose at lunch, thought this would be the antidote for my woes.

Enter 2010 Cotes du Roussillon Rose.  A steal at €1.79.  Yes folks, I did say €1.79 even without a club DIA card.  This smells like a summer day frolicking through a field of flowers.  Ok if I have to be serious, this wine has a lovely floral smell with a finish of honey.  This wine has a lightly sweet taste that just the perfect balance of sweet and acidic, with a hint of apples.  I have to say I am in love with this wine and will be partaking in it for the duration.  Now how can I fit a case in my suitcase and not be over 50lbs?

I want to know how French people are not all drunkards with the abundance of cheap good wines.

My side note for the day, we had a lovely dinner at a busy restaurant on a busy corner.  It was very warm outside, so we sat on the terrace (sidewalk to the rest of the world).  I had a starter of an Egg Pot with Tomato and Basil Foam.  This is not a dish I was familiar with or even knew existed, but I have to say they were little ramekins of heaven.  I did choose to pair my meal with another Rose.  I think the French know something we don't.  I can't really talk about this wine as it was above the €5.00 price point.  Let's just say deliceaux!

1 comment:

  1. Love it. You really should become a writer. I wish so much that I was there with you.
